Message to those struggling when it comes to their confidence & insecurities and to those who have goals in life

It is a matter of getting to know yourself and being about to embrace the things about you. Hone the great things about you and from that your confidence will eventually shine. It is also of how you carry yourself and don’t think less of yourself. As much as possible, don’t compare yourself to others or the more you feel insecure. And if ever you would want to reach something, try to think of the possibilities of you achieving it. Everyone is meant to discover their paths and passion. As time passes by, make a name for yourself. Continue what you are doing because one day you will be out there and you will be looked upon. No doubt! 🙂

PS: Insights I’ve learned through years of perseverance and moments of hardships.

How I deal with insecurities

Okay. So I’m jealous this very smart person in my class. Also this Classmate who is a singer-composer and she becoming more famous for her talent. Also include those other multi-talented people. I’m jealous of my co-teammates who keeps on winning medals. I’m jealous of people who are physically attractive for they get the people’s attention. I’m jealous of those who always seem to be confident.

As much as I want to get rid of these insecurities. The insecurity is still there. Insecurities did lower my confidence.

So how do I deal with it?

1.) I replay those moments wherein people has seen my potential/ good side of me

•Replay in my mind the good words people said about me. Examples: Awesome, talented, smart, kind, etc. Also include those times people tell me, “you are so good at (this/that)”

2.) I enumerate those things about me that I am proud of. It is a self-motivator. Despite the insecurities, it reminds me that there are a lot of things about me to embrace.

3.) I pursue my passions. I am making a name for myself. It reminds me, “Oh why be jealous when there is something uniquely Great about you?”

Insecurities will always be there. Despite this, fill your thoughts with self affirmations. It makes you think again, “Why should you waste your time being insecure? Show them what you got!”

You may do the 3 things I’ve mentioned.


Insecurities isn’t easy to deal with. But use it as a motivation to show the world what you’ve got.

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