That Annoying Spoiled Brat

That kid though. She is only grade 1 or 2 but still…

When my friends and I were chatting in a chilly afternoon, there was this random grade 1 or 2 girl who asked for money. She was asking for 800+ for a notebook and a pen in the book fair. We told her that we don’t have money. She was insisting on buying that notebook. That notebook was big and it is for her tutor. According to her, her tutor writes a lot of stuff on her notebook. She said also that her parents would not let her buy that notebook because it was too expensive. Exactly! Yet, she insisted on buying the notebook. We told her that she can get a cheaper notebook instead. We also told her that she can buy that notebook somewhere else. We got so annoyed. No matter what, she still insisted on buying the notebook. We all got irritated in the end.

What happened got our attention of how spoiled she is. To the girl, I know that you are so young to understand the value of money and the value about simplicity and joy. I hope this experience will make you learn the ff:
1.) You can’t get everything you want
2.) It is hard for your parents to earn money. The best thing that you can do is not to be a brat.
3.) Appreciate what you have. Be simple. Don’t live in a world of Materialism
4.) Be wise on what you spend on. Spend your money on more practical stuff. Every day, there are so many things to be paid.
5.) Know the difference between a need and a want.
6.) There are so many people who are struggling for money. Don’t just ask a huge amount (like 800+) out of nowhere. This is our way to give justice to the poor.

We are so irritated of what happened. We did what we could. It is up to her now. May this experience open our minds to what is happening to the younger people (like that girl) of today. We can’t tolerate seeing kids growing up like brats. Let’s hope that things will change. Especially to that spoiled brat who approached us.

Message to those struggling when it comes to their confidence & insecurities and to those who have goals in life

It is a matter of getting to know yourself and being about to embrace the things about you. Hone the great things about you and from that your confidence will eventually shine. It is also of how you carry yourself and don’t think less of yourself. As much as possible, don’t compare yourself to others or the more you feel insecure. And if ever you would want to reach something, try to think of the possibilities of you achieving it. Everyone is meant to discover their paths and passion. As time passes by, make a name for yourself. Continue what you are doing because one day you will be out there and you will be looked upon. No doubt! 🙂

PS: Insights I’ve learned through years of perseverance and moments of hardships.

I’m Selective To Whom I Go Personal With

I’m an expressive person and you can see you through my blog. But when it comes to more personal stuff, I am selective to whom I share it to. I don’t trust people because majority are so fun of gossiping and I don’t like it. So if I want to express something personal, I am selective to whom I share it to. I tell it to someone I trust. I tell it to someone who understands “it is just between us” and who knows when to keep their mouths shut. To those people who knows me personally, you are lucky if I tell personal things to you because you are one of the few. Whenever we have to share something personal in class, I don’t go to detail. Why? I don’t like people to start a rumor to something they don’t know the entire story. I don’t want to share deeper personal things to those people who fails to fully understand for they can’t empathize genuinely. There are only a few out there who do. What I sad world!

So if ever you want to share something personal to someone, be selective. Tell it someone you trust. Someone who knows confidentiality. Tell it to someone who actually listens at the same time understands and emphasizes with you. People can’t be trusted now a days.

If ever someone goes personal with, consider it a blessing that you are actually trusted to be involved and don’t ever break that trust.

Know how to be prudent when you go personal with someone, vice versa. 🙂

Realizations of Being a Blogger

Last June 2016, I randomly opened this blog. Then eventually, I started to make several articles in one go. A lot of things runs inside my head and it is through this blog that I get to share and express them. I didn’t have views and followers as I started because I wasn’t engaging as a blogger in the beginning. I was still figuring out how this blogging world work. I also opened this blog prior when my class was about to start last year. I never thought that I can make number of written works in a year. and that my works are actually an eye opener to the public. I never thought that I can actually make poems. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly poetic before. Being able to write poems here was eventual. I was also inspired by my friends’ literary talent and also by certain bloggers here. I never thought that my works can be entertaining enough. (Well basing from the comments I’ve been receiving. 😛 ) Most of all, I never thought that I can actually inspire people who I even don’t know through sharing a part of me through writing.

While I’m touching lives out there, I’m also touch by the blogs of other bloggers. I’ve visited a number of unique blogs. Each blogs have a different kind of approach and a different kind of concept. But there is this one thing is common, that is the passion. Bloggers are consistent with their post because of their passion. Because of the passion of different bloggers, I am touch as well. I’ve been reading different stories and getting different kind of emotions from different bloggers. I realized that there are so many bloggers who go through a sort of similar kind of life. I realize that there are so many bloggers like me who are finding out their way in life. Reading different testimonies make me say, “Oh! I can really relate to this person. I’m not alone after all” 

To those blogs I followed, I’m looking forward to more. To my followers, I will continue to do what I am doing. That is writing. 🙂 We are in this journey together.

Thank you and I love you! ❤

Please also take time to read my other post as well. It will surely be appreciated. Thank you!

Don’t Hate The Experiences That Shaped You — Thought Catalog

Don’t hate your heartbreak. It made you stronger. It made you wiser. It made you more discerning in your choices. It made you realize that your future is not tied to anyone who leaves and you can survive even the toughest and most painful heartbreaks.
Don’t hate your mistakes. They were turning points. They were important lessons you needed to learn. They don’t define you. You don’t have to always apologize for them. They belong to your past. They were decisions made out of fear, out of inexperience or maybe out of love. They’re stepping stones to rise above the person you once were. They taught you how to move on. How to be better.

Don’t hate the darkness. The lonely nights. The tears. The agony. The nights it seemed like everyone was living while you were slowly dying. Your darkness made you fight for the light. It made you work on your art. It made you get rid of your ego and ask for help. It made you appreciate things you took for granted and it showed you that there’s so much light in vulnerability, in letting people know that you can’t always be strong and it showed you that there is always a way out of the darkness as long as you choose to do something about it, as long as you choose to find an exit.
Don’t hate your choices. Don’t hate your decisions. Even if they were wrong, even if you think they ruined your life and even if you feel like you will never be able to bounce back from certain falls. Maybe some things are meant to be left alone, ruined or broken so we can move on. Maybe some things are meant to fall apart without falling back together. Maybe our bad choices don’t need to be corrected because they will still be bad choices. Maybe our bad choices are exactly what we needed to learn how to let go and learn that we don’t always know what’s best for us.
Don’t hate your journey. It’s what made who you are today. It’s what urged you to either follow your passion or change your life drastically. It’s a reflection of everything you’ve accomplished and everything you’ve endured. It’s your story and every good story has ups and downs, every good story has a villain and a hero and every good story embodies a difficult journey before you get to the happy ending, it includes moments of despair and darkness before you see the light.

via Don’t Hate The Experiences That Shaped You — Thought Catalog

I’ve just got to reblog this. It is such an amazing written piece. This should be an everyday reminder to all of us.

Be Yourself

Be yourself? But what does it take to be yourself? How can you be yourself when you are still getting to know yourself? Figuring things out? It isn’t easy.

Everyday is a journey of knowing ourselves. It is important to know ourselves so that we can be vulnerable to whatever comes to us such as peer pressure, judgment by close – minded people, and etc.

You don’t have to be like everyone. Don’t be the person you know you are not. Stick to your own style like in terms in clothing and etc.

Don’t do things to impress but instead do it to express yourself.

Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. You are unique. There is no need to copy. Be happy on who you are.



MUST READ// Lessons I’ve Learned After Being Called WEIRD Behind My Back

One day, my classmate told me that people said that I was weird behind my back. Ouch that actually hurt. These people who said don’t know me, I told myself. They don’t know my background. (At some point, I wish I didn’t study in a school full of rich kids who rely on the fact that they live such comfortable lives) But it still hurt s because that meant in a bad way. I didn’t know how to accept that because in the very first place, I was uncertain about myself at that time. I had depression at that time and being said so made things worse. But because of that, I got to know more about myself. I knew how to distinguish what is true and not true about me. I’ve learned that weird is subjective. I don’t know why I was being labeled so. I may be the odd one among peers (that’s probably why they said I was weird. I just don’t know with them) because my interest is not align to what is mainstream. I’m just a simple person who would rather not go with the crowd. My happiness is on what I am passionate about. That actually makes me exceptional. For I am unique. I guess that is what they don’t appreciate.

I’ve learned so many lessons from this.

A message I have to say,

Know yourself. That is very important. So that in cases when people bring you down (maybe behind your back), you would know how to stand up for yourself and handle the situation. If I were certain about myself when I was told so, I’d know how to accept it positively. But because I was so uncertain about myself, I went all emotional.

Another thing, you can’t please everyone. I guess it was due to peer pressure (thanks a lot hormones for activating :P) that led me to want impress people around. I wanted to be accepted. I opted to achieve a lot. But in the end of the day, you can’t please everyone and that’s fine. Just do your best in what you do.

To those who called me weird, you don’t know me so well and what I am even capable of.  Okay, I’m weird but in a good way for I goof around. Weird is subjective. But please don’t refer weird to a person who may be odd among the crowd. I’ve learned form this experience that there are people who just can’t accept personal differences. Ugh.

No one has the right to back stab a person. Ever! I’m serious! Gossip is hardly uplifting. You hardly know the lives and feelings of those are gossiping.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But address them in a prudent way. Don’t ever downgrade a person, especially behind their backs.

I guess that experience had to happen in order for me to prove them wrong. Probably, circumstance will lead so to happen. These people better watch out. For a person who aspires, I will be out there one day.

Also, Compliments mean a lot. Have that habit of complimenting a person because whether you know it or not, you are uplifting others. That is what happened to me. Compliments helped me got up from knowing that I was actually was labeled weird. I embraced the good qualities about myself due to the uplifting compliments.

Lastly, Accept your flaws. Maybe another reason why I was called weird was because was my flaw. At some point I felt they used it against me. Anyway, everyone has something to fix about themselves. Don’t be too focused in looking at others flaws. Mind your own business.

This experience is such an opener to me in so many angles. I’m sharing this experience to you. I hope that you will be inspired!

Being an outspoken person, I will continue to raise my voice through this blog. Thank once again! 🙂

How to Break the Nervousness

I am not the most confident person to tell you this. I too get nervous but all throughout my struggles of trying to combat my nervousness, I’ve discovered insights on how to calm the nerves, especially in being in front of an audience.

  1. Relax – that should be the highlight
  2. Don’t worry too much on what will become of your audience’s reaction. You are not here to please them. Express and not impress
  3. It’s okay to make mistakes. If you made a mistake, don’t dwell too much on the mistake. Learn from it and move on.
  4. Perform out of passion then you will forget that you were actually nervous.
  5. Let the confidence outweigh the nervousness. Think of possibilities as to why you are capable of doing well. Play in your mind words like, “I can do this!”
  6. Think about those people who believes in you. It is a good self–motivator.
  7. Preparation is a must. Think about how much you worked for it.
  8. Expose yourself to an audience more often. The more you will get use to being in front of the crowd, the less nervous and more confident you get, because performing has already become a part of you.
  9. Think about the bigger purpose of your performance.
  10. Lastly and most importantly, PRAY!!

I hope that these tips will help you because it has helped me. I did struggle with my confidence but now I am breaking the barrier of my doubt in myself. We are all in this together.

Don’t Judge

Don’t ever judge a person who has gone through rejections, defeats, and failures. Don’t shove it in front of their face, “Oh that person can’t accept failures/defeats/ rejections!” Because it is not easy and it hurts. It takes process to heal from a certain failure, rejection, or defeat. Give that person time. Acknowledge the fact that they still remain strong despite what happened to them.

What’s with my body?

Often am I complimented for my physique, particularly certain parts of my body. People compliments for my boobs, butt, dimples, teeth, hair, skin, eyelashes, and etc. People tell me I’m blessed. I embrace the good parts of my body. But seriously, I see these parts just a part of my one entire body. When people compare their boobs to mine, it seems like it is a big deal. Okay okay, I fit the status quo’s standards of an ideal body. But to me, what even? Their is this consciousness about bodies. You have to have the curves to fit into the standards. There is this ideal sexy. Again, what even? I thank those who complimented me but we should not dwell to much to fit into those standards. There are more important things than about fitting in the ideal sexy such as raising your voice and taking action when it comes to social issues. It would be better if the people would maximize their potential than to make a fuss about their physical appearance. And, your bodies shouldn’t be a measure of one’s confidence. What I mean by that, if you don’t really fit into that standard, your confidence goes down. No, that shouldn’t be the case. Be confident in your own being no matter how your bodies are shaped.

What is it all the Hate & Gossip?

I hate the toxic kind of environment we are all living. A world where there is hate and back stabbing. Yes, I’ve been back-stab, and been a topic for gossip. I don’t know why. What did I even do when all I’ve been doing is not minding your business and rendering whatever service I can give?

I was told by my friend, “They were talking about you and they were disrespecting you when you are even way better than them.” To my friend, thank you for being honest with me even if I’ll react to it sensitively.

Call me whatever you want. Call me “weird” or whatever you want, in the end of the day, whatever faulty things you have said to others will go back to you.

Another friend was asked by another person, “Why are you even friends with her?” Don’t you know how much that hurts. I am sorry if I don’t get you a good first impression. But please don’t say such things without really knowing me and what I’ve been through first. Okay?! So to those people who talk trash about me, watch out once you see me go farther in life!

I know that to my family, teachers, friends, and all those who knows me better, I am a well-mannered person. So to those talking trash about me, you are defining me wrongly.

While I received my own taste of close-mindedness of people. I’ve been a witness to a person being bullied behind their backs.

This person, who is a friend of mine, has been talked badly about. Okay, I get it. He may have faults. But you have no right to bring him down by giving him names or mocking him, especially if you don’t know what he is going through.

He told me that is he is not in good terms with his family, his grades were in the line, he has many regrets and many fights. I didn’t know how to respond because it was too heavy already on his part. I still saw the good in him while others look into his faults. I do believe he still has room to improve.

This guy is not the only person who I witness being brought down by people. There are a lot more.

It really hurts when people are so mean, (even worse behind other’s back). If there is something wrong with a person, tell them properly, instead of mocking and spreading gossip and hate. To everyone, fix yourselves before judging other people. Do you think that you are so perfect? No. Stop with that ego of yours if you have issues with that.

We have the right to express our thoughts, that includes our thoughts of a person. Please, be prudent. Don’t spread hate. Something of a person may irritate you or displease you, but please be patient and understanding. Whenever we gossip, we unconsciously make ourselves better than the other person. That shouldn’t be. We shall help one another rather than destroying each other. Our world is so destroyed. Don’t destroy it even more. 😦


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